Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ordinary Life Is Pretty Complex Stuff

I know I say this a lot, but I have changed. So much of who I was has been lost over this past year and I have mourned that loss deeply. There are moments I wish I didn't have to endure and moments I wish I could hold on to just a bit longer. But even though it was a dark period in my life, I am happy for it.

I have learned so much about myself and what I desire. I know what I am doing now and I am going after what I want. There is nothing to hold me back anymore. I have closed the door to the me I was. And the me I am now is anxious for the world to be mine. I am anxious to meet new people and see new places. To get perspective on life and love.

I was reminded of all of this as I read through some old writings. It went: So much to think about. What happen to simpler days when life was about marshmallows and jump rope. They were so much fun, and just happier. But I guess that's life; ever changing, always moving. I suppose I like the change, because that is what makes up the grand things in life. Getting older, being able to do the things you always dreamed of doing as a little kid. Life is funny that way, we're all different; with different ideas and plans. I like that about life, the vast opportunities, the ones life tends to give to us. The ones we choose. How everything we do is just taking us down this journey, this journey we call "life." I like changing, becoming something new, reinventing oneself. It is the best part. I want to welcome the change, like the earth welcomes its seasons, like the night welcomes the day.