Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art

This very blog is evidence enough of the role Keats has had in my life. My whole being is homage to the brilliant mind he was. This movie was visually beautiful and superbly executed. One of my all time favorites.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In Dreams, Emotions Are Overwhelming

I have decided to continue with scenes from my favorite movies. Whether they be scenes that make me laugh, cry, or just want to fall in love. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What Is Lost Is Lost

Nothing resonates with me more than Before Sunrise and Before Sunset.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Number Of Irrational Fears

I have bones made of glass. As tough as my exterior seems, I am incredibly fragile. Instead of drawing strength from my past follies and misfortunes, I have grown weak and weary from them.

It's strange the way life comes and goes. How when one relationship ends, another begins. That is where I find myself these day. I am caught in new sets of roles. I have never been the best at dating, and so I've always been "the friend." That is a role I have been good at, I understand where my place is in that role. I know how to navigate feelings of others in the friend role. But as of lately, I have found myself falling for someone I did not ever see myself falling for. And I'm vulnerable again. I am insecure with myself. Certain feelings have been established, yet I continue to question the sincerity in them. I know what I want in a relationship, but my main question is whether or not I want that relationship to happen now. We are the same in so many way, in the ways that really matter. But I have this fear of messing things up. I want to get it right this time, I want things to last. Even if we decide that being in a romantic relationship isn't for us, I want us to remain friends. Because he gets me. He understands the way I work and doesn't push me to do or feel things I don't. He's gentle and kind. He balances me and challenges me. And I appreciate the time I have spent with him over the past months, even if nothing more than a friendship is to come of this. The point is, I'm glad to know him. I needed him at this point in my life.